Eggnog, hot chocolate, mulled cider and wine – the holidays are made for cocktail parties! There is a good chance that many of your board members are planning their own gatherings during this festive season. Be sure to reach out to each member of the Board and ask them to take a few moments during their festivities to talk about something dear to their heart – the organization they serve! They don’t have to ask for money, but coach them to say, “If you are interested in learning more, let me know.” This opens the door for prospective donors to get more information without feeling pressure. Make sure they take note of who pursues the conversation and ask them to make an introduction so staff can follow up. Better yet, supply all of your Board Members with business cards they can give to anyone who expresses interest.
A more intentional way of involving board members in your fundraising efforts is to ask them to host a Thank You gathering (Holiday or New Year) for some of your best donors. It can be a small gathering in a member’s home with simple drinks and appetizers. Each board member should be expected to bring at least one prospect to the party. With board members and donors in attendance, your prospects will get a good overview of your organization and (hopefully) be inspired to give. Close the deal by sending each guest home with a small parting gift. On the gift tag be sure include the organization logo, mission, QR code and invite them to “Consider including us in your year end giving plan”.